Not already!!!!
Christmas at the Gray's 2005
I love Christmas:-
family, friends, games, food, excitement, prezzies, carols, midnight mass, surprise and most of all the nativity. ( Thanx play centre)
But i just can't quite believe it, decorations and products are in stores already. In October???
What is going on? The world is losing the reason for celebration and gaining greed and glutony. Yes sharing and giving is wonderful, and one of my favourite things about Christmas. But i'm starting to think that Christmas is becoming a food binge and all about what do i get ( me, me me) that we are missing Christ.
Well that's my rant over:-
I am good and my new job is fantastic. And Married 5 months and loving it.
I almost fell off my chair! A blog post? From Sam? Well smoke me a kipper! Nice to see you back on the net though ;)
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