Saturday, May 26, 2007

Saturday fiascos

Thursday something fell down our chimney. Friday we thought it had died.
But today it started scrabbling and i became nervous.. So Ben and I opened up the chimney to investigate , and ontop of the chimney balloon was an animal.
Chimney Balloon ->

We shone a torch and came to the conclusion it was a rodent. (easy enough.)

But on further inspection we realized that it was a big bird. i.e a sea gull.
I was really scared. How were we supposed to get it out????

We phoned as many services as we could think of, but eventually the fire service came to our rescue.

It turned out to be an adult sea gull. Who had fallen and got stuck.
What a fiasco. Im glad it's over.
Thanx to Ben and the fire service.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

identity photo's

Monday, May 07, 2007

what a year

What a fun filled weekend. ONE year yesterday Ben & I got married.
It's been amazing, & i could tell you loads about it but it would take too long.

So an over view of this weekend:-

Friday we went to Ben's boss house for dinner. He is an interesting man ( More of a fruit loop than me) & that's saying something.
Alot of alchol was divoured and their were sore heads in the morning. Ha Ha Ha
Also got to have a ride in a kit-car Morgan. Very fast and so cool.

Saturday Ben surprised me by taking me to London and on the London Eye and Ferry. It was really lovely and a big surprise.

An amazing feat for someone with vertigo and who can't swim. But the love and romance was more important.

Sunday was busy as Ben was in the band at church and i was in the choir. Then all move as all Nathan & Louisa's furnature was going on monday . So we moved as much as we could.
Coffee at the Jolly's then crash.

Today has been weired & hectic but great. We now have a house with no furnature , but painting has begun.

May this year be full of change, suddenly's and grace.
And i can't wait.