Like Dan says on his blog, the family of God is not what people can do for you but what you can do for the family.
But have you thought about the effect your life is having on others. Good or Bad.?? Every conversation, thought, text, your body language, manerizams and jokes. What a big responsibility we have in protecting our family, friends and people around us.
At church were talking about sowing seeds and that what you plant in this generation will be reaped in future generations.
So life isnt about ( if i get drunk every night,) well it's only effecting me anyway. What if you cant stop drinking heavy? The seeds of alchol are affecting you, your friends, family , relationships and your setting a foundation for future generations.
I want to set foundations for my children, that are strong in God, love, understanding, compremize and through Ben and my teaching/ lifestyles.
Isnt it time today to get your life right with God. Ask if you need to sort something out so it doesnt effect the next generation. ( Sex, Drugs, Alchol, Spiritualism, Hate, Bitterness, Mis-trust, Divorce issues, depression, porn etc) even if you only did it once or didn't even go the whole way but looked into it.
Because you know you can be free of these things , it also says in the bible to cut the ties to stop anything affecting future generations. Don't be burdened by stuff that isnt yours to carry anymore. Because Jesus dies to take all this away.
Sorry guys very heavy thoughts today which you proberbly already know but it inspired me to keep a check on what i do, say and think about others and how i lead my life.
Just know that i'm thinking and praying for you all.