Monday, October 24, 2005

6 Months to go!!!!!

Well as the title says it's 6 months to the wedding. It seems that it has taken an age to even get to this point, but if we hadnt had so long then i wouldnt be so relaxed and in control of all the preparations.
The dress comes in a couple of weeks, All is in order and we even managed to go to France for a holiday.
Ben's parents who live in France are really nice and they made it a fun experience but i think the top highlight of the trip was 1) getting on with the inlaws and 2) Monkey world:- which was the best.

Monkey World :- Is fantastic, you walk around with Monkeys running around you. The only protection is from the Apes , due to electrified water. It was the best experience, I loved it.

Also being a christian in a non christian environment i thought was going to be entertaining, in the sence of difficult. But to my surprise i had a indepth converstation with Maddie ( Ben's mum) which i think is God's sense of humor, because even Ben or Gemma havnt had a conversation which included faith, religion, life after death, the spiritual relm. etc

Ben was as shocked as me but we were also very excited. Doesnt God surprise us when we least expect it. He keeps us on our toes and fills us with expectation.

Monkey enjoyed it also, he has great fun on our trips.

Edingburgh June 05

France October 05

But as you can see hes not to good at the traveling part. Either hes miss behaving or hes air sick.
He did have fun and looks farward to his next trip.

Friday, October 07, 2005

The Pains and Blessings of my Heart.

Danica and Ebenezer. TLC garden 2003

How do you explain the love you have for a child? These two stole my heart, I would have adopted them ( I wish i had adopted them) but i couldnt.

They brought me such delight, blessing, joy, love, understanding and courage.
I love them so much and my heart is sad.
I pray for them everyday, I just wish i could be in contact. To see their smiles again.
They have been adopted which is wonderful, Ebenezer to Germany and Danica to Belgium. But i have a hole in my heart that only they can fill.

i pray that you protect Nezer and Danica, Put your guardian Angels around them. Teach them your ways and bring peace, love and your holy spirit into their lives everyday.
I thankyou for the love and heart i have for them. I pray that i have made a difference in their lives just as they have in mine.
Hold them close Lord.

( Jesus loves me this i know, for the bible tells me so,
Little ones to him belong, they are weak but he is strong.
YES Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me,
YES Jesus loves me, the bible tells me so. )

All my love my sweet Angels.
Sam aka Dan or Dam

The Pains and Blessings of my Heart. 2

Everyone has blessings and pain:-
I believe all things are known and implemented by God for reason.
My blessings:-

My Faith, church, friends, monkey

and Job.

But your heart in a delecate thing, that has loads of places to hide pain and to disguise it.
We all have things that cause us pain weather it be something weve done, had done to us. Said to us, experienced, seen or heard. It is pain of the soul.

Everyone knows i love children. Also everyone knows i have God's heart for children, and when i bond with a child. I do with God's heart and it is Forever.
So to lose two and not know anything is deverstating, so my soul crys.

But God heals, he soothes the pain and helps you to deal with it and still keep a soft heart.
If i thought i would feel like this every time i looked after chilren i would be a mess and would give up. But God has placed this gift with children and his passion in me to be used to its full potential. To show his love, save the abandoned, sick, unloved and in need children.

So never give up even when its painful because your gifts and dreams are going to be amazing.

Live, Love and Learn.

I will always love Ebenezer and Danica but i wont always hurt thinking of them.

So another insight to the life of Foxy.
