God answers prayers.
My heart is overwelmed with joy at the moment due to answered prayers. I just know that when we pray for something that God answers.
Sometimes we need to remember this , because we sometimes ask for silly things and dont really think about what we pray for.
But God answers even the smallest prayers. Just in his timing.
He knows our hearts and what we need, Like Dan said in his blog ( we need to remind God of promises he has given us and said over our lives. because they will be forfilled.)
Im saying all of this because one of the prayers i have been asking God to answer, He did yesterday. And it was the best thing ever. As in the sence that a hole in my heart can now start healing.
This is Ebenezer in the cap. As ive said in other postings I fell in love with him and when i left and he was adopted my heart cryed. I have never heard from him or even heard of him from other volunteers, Until now.
He had a terible back ground and he never smiled for a year. He started to smile and talk when i was there.
But to have my prayer answered and to see his cheeky face again, Im overwhelmed with emotions.
God is so faithful, he knows the best for us and the best timing. So when you pray make sure you know what your praying for and keep reminding God and he will come through triumphant.
I love this boy and i cant express my joy, relief, love, elation etc
One down and One to go, I will keep praying for Danica until God answers. Don't ever give up on your dreams, hearts desires and passions, just be persistant, patient and Faithful.
God will come through for you and it will be the best.
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